Our strategy
Our policy is aimed at customer satisfaction both with our business-to-business customers and with the end customer, the consumer. We focus on organic feeds of a high and consistent quality. We pursue a flexible policy in which short delivery times, specific delivery methods and transparency are of the utmost importance when developing new products. We strive for healthy growth with an eye for healthy profitability.
The strategy to achieve these goals is based on the following pillars:
- work according to an integrated quality system in accordance with organic legislation, FCA and various specifications;
- a continuous interest in and research into even more efficient and hygienic techniques, raw materials and machines;
- a strict selection and thorough follow-up of the biological raw and auxiliary materials, taking into account the legal standards and the agreements with the suppliers in connection with product specifications;
- a stable customer and supplier base;
- a positive social climate within a safe working environment with a flat organizational structure, to take decisions quickly and to keep corporate communication in both directions as optimal as possible;
- manage the activities with a sense of good citizenship and with consideration for the environment.